No one wants to be a failure. Beginning your studies at a university is already demanding, and students are burdened by the amount of time and effort required to reach academic objectives (Graduate Coach, 2021). There is a ton of pressure to know what you want to do with your life, and watching other people move on and achieve their goals can be hard. When a person enrolls in college, their parents, friends, and teachers pressure them to do well in their classes (Davis, 2014). Your self-imposed academic pressure may result in your performance. When pressure overwhelms the mind and body, anxiety levels can rise, and performance can suffer (Davis, 2014). There is a concept called stereotype threat, which “is when someone has a negative belief about themselves, and they are worried that they will confirm this negative stereotype about themselves or their own group” (Davis, 2014. p.3). This implies that believing and feeling you will fail will cause you to fail. 

Pressures to perform well can contribute to stress, anxiety, sadness, and a lack of confidence (Graduate Coach, 2021). Some people think your grades define who you are, but that is not true. We tend to be hard on ourselves and forget to reflect on our true skills, personality traits and interests within our lives away from school. It is recommended to focus on extracurricular activities to help you enjoy all your studies (Graduate Coach, 2021). That could be cooking, reading, playing sports, or creating art. The desire to pursue a particular job that needs a certain set of grades can also pressure a person to achieve. Higher grades should provide more employment possibilities after graduation if you are unsure about what you want to pursue (Graduate Coach, 2021). Even while your loved ones are supportive and want you to succeed, you will likely experience disappointment if you fall short of their expectations. Remember that it is your life, not theirs (Graduate Coach, 2021). 

Exam and deadline pressure coupled with the pressure to excel in school is another element that plays a role. When deadlines approach, a person’s mental health and well-being may suffer, therefore, it is advised to work smarter rather than harder (Graduate Coach, 2021). Students may discover that a certain subject is more challenging than others, and some courses may have specific grades that must be met (Graduate Coach, 2021). Being in constant rivalry with your friends’ academics and comparing yourself to others might pressure you and negatively impact your scores. Friendly competition and drive are present, but it can be detrimental to your mental health to feel depressed even though you are working harder and still not achieving your goals (Graduate Coach, 2021). Forming study groups or finding a tutor can help you achieve your academic goals healthily. Being alone and keeping up with the demand for higher grades is stressful. Finding a partner or friend to study with provides reassurance you are not alone. 

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