Meeting new people may also cause stress for most college students. Reasons for student reluctance or avoidance of meeting new people vary, but all these reasons cause students to become unconfident or uncomfortable around their peers.

One reason that may cause student unconfidence is being unable to accept the new environment that is university. This scene applies especially to international students. They come to their dream colleges through hard-working. However, they have found plenty of situations opposing their home country. The most obvious scenario is foreign languages. Another obvious problem among most international students is the workload (D’Souza et al., 2016). Domestic students face this problem as well. Even though domestic students have fewer challenges living in a new environment, it does not mean they can immediately fit into the new environment. Often students find the way they make friends in the university is very different and more challenging than making friends in high school. 

Another possible reason cause students may not be willing to meet new people is potential childhood trauma. Many factors cause this trauma. One type of childhood trauma many carry with them daily is having grown up in a strict family. Their opinions and accomplishments are often denied or looked over by their family members, thus creating an environment causing students to learnt they should not trust other people. Accidents from everyday life may cause trauma as well. For example, bullying, discrimination, and loss. 

All factors that may cause unconfidence require specific solutions to improve student confidence. This lesson contains opportunities to explore further reasons for university students may be uncomfortable or unwilling to meet new people and how to solve this issue in a customized way.

Activity – Praise Challenge

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